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pull the wool over someone’s eyes
蒙骗某人  detail>>
pull it over
扳过来  detail>>
pull over
拔送器 把…拉过来,开到路边 把车子开到旁边。 把船开到一边 递回 过了,拉倒 颈后推/仰卧屈臂上拉 靠岸, 开到路边 ...  detail>>
(无领无扣的)套衫,绒线套衫。  detail>>
someone esle is in your eyes
你的眼里有对她的爱恋  detail>>
pull strings for someone
幕后操作 为某人走后门  detail>>
fail all over someone
集中注意力于某人  detail>>
give someone the once-over
瞧一眼  detail>>
rake someone over the coals
严厉谴责某人  detail>>
screw someone over
欺负某人  detail>>
someone to watch over me
但愿有一个人呵护我 呵护一生 呵护照顾我的人 情人保镖 需要有人来照看我  detail>>
walk all over someone
骑到某人脖子上 任意欺负某人  detail>>
win someone over
赢得他人的支持和同情  detail>>
write someone over
请人来  detail>>
pull one’ s leg = tease someone
开某人玩笑  detail>>
pull one’s leg = tease someone
开某人玩笑  detail>>
someone to pull me through somehow
有人拉我通过某种  detail>>
over pull force
超拉力  detail>>